coffee in it's purest form

In a bustling coffee world filled with endless options, we proudly set ourselves apart with the outstanding quality of our products. Here are 5 reasons why you should definitely give us a shot.
All of our flavors are made from organic beans, certified by USDA, which means we prioritize our customers' health, the environment, and the future of coffee cultivation. With Candy Tiger, you can enjoy a cup of coffee that's not only delicious but also responsibly sourced and co-friendly.

Certified by USDA

This approach allows farmers to receive fair prices for their products and promotes sustainability and environmental responsibility by encouraging farmers to use eco-friendly cultivation methods. Direct trade also allows for a more personal and transparent relationship between our brand and farmers.

Direct & fair trade

It allows for greater control over the roasting process, resulting in a more consistent and higher quality product. It also allows for more experimentation and customization, as the roaster can adjust the roasting process to bring out the unique flavors of each type of bean.

Small-batch roasted

Candy Tiger takes quality seriously. That's why we rely on the expertise of professional SCA Arabica Q-graders to evaluate all our coffee flavors. Using a one-hundred-point scoring system, our beans consistently score between 74 and 80.5 points — a testament to their high quality and exceptional flavor.

Graded by experts

We believe that whole bean coffee is the best way to unlock the full potential of our coffee blends and to ensure you get the highest quality coffee possible. In a bag of Candy Tiger coffee, you'll notice that all the beans have a uniform color, indicating that they were picked at their ripest and ready to be transformed into a delicious cup of coffee.

Whole bean